The tradition of the last XV year toy

The XV years party is more than a birthday party, it is a ritual full of symbols in which the girl takes her first step to become an adult woman who will be an integral part of her community. Each item has a meaning, and the latest toy is no exception.

In many parts of Mexico and in many Mexican communities outside the country, this tradition endures. It is both a way of perpetuating Mexican roots and contributing to the tradition of the XV years.

The toy itself represents leaving behind childhood, the most innocent time of life, when playing with toys and dolls. Sometimes the centerpieces or decorations are made with replicas of the toy.

It is customary for the celebrant to receive her latest toy or doll from her father’s hand. Tradition indicates that it must be a fine porcelain toy, but times change, and today commercial dolls are also used, traditionally wearing a dress similar to that of the honoree, or any other toy, as long as it is of the type that they were liked by the young woman in her early childhood.

After the XV year dance, which is the culminating moment of the celebration, the honoree can throw her toy among the younger participants, similar to the bouquet at a wedding, but it is much more personal and has a greater emotional meaning, when Instead, the young woman chooses one of the girls present for whom she has a special affection, and delivers it directly to her.

This ritual represents leaving behind the most childish age and entering more adult themes and interests, but also greater responsibilities and greater independence.